Search results for: literacy
KHCConnect: Resource Network for Families
Our community resource team connects families with the services they need at KHCC.
After School Program 23-24
KHCC's After School Program serves children from K through fifth grade. It provides fun and engaging ways to both relax and learn after a long day at school, through sports, music, arts and gardening.
Food Pantry
KHCC's Food Pantry meets the needs of families by providing fresh and non-perishable food items.
KHCConnect: Resource Network for Families
Our community resource team connects families with the services they need at KHCC.
After School Registration NOW Open
Same program, new location - P.S. 207!
KHCC Park Grand Opening
Come One, Come All To Our Brand New Park!
S.L.E.E.P. Parent Workshop
Parents and guardians of a three-year-old child in our Head Start program are invited to attend the S.L.E.E.P. Project workshop on February 22
Financial Literacy Workshop
Learn helpful tips and tools to save money and improve your financial future!
Annual Literacy Day
Join our Early Childhood program and families for a special celebration of books on December 10!
Student Connections Dinner
KHCC alumni share their college experiences
Literacy Day 2024
A safe space for children and their carers to meet friends and read books. Each young reader gets a FREE Book!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community and Impact in 2024!
JanuaryKHCC kicked off the year with recognition from Apple Bank at a St. John’s basketball game a
Celebrating KHCC's 50th Year: A Night of Legacy and Community
(Bronx, N.Y.)—On May 17, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) celebrated 50 years of dedica
Turning Little Readers into Big Dreamers at Literacy Day
The Early Childhood Services at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center recently celebrated their annua
The Future is Ours - A Fundraiser for KHCC
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Honors Council Member Pierina Sanchez and Apple Bank Chief Retail Bank Officer James Matera at Annual Gala on May 3, 2023. The annual gala celebrated 49 years of transforming the lives of families in the Northwest Bronx.
Raye Barbieri Named as Chief Executive Officer of Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
(Bronx, New York) - The Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC), a fifty year old settlement house serving over six thousand Bronx residents, announced today that Raye Barbieri has been named Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Barbieri has more than twenty five years of experience working with nonprofits and New York City government. She succeeds Margaret Della, who is stepping down as the organization’s head in March, after successfully leading Kingsbridge Heights Community Center since 2016. Barbieri will assume this leadership position on March 13, 2023.
On Wednesday, December 21st, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted The Bronx Reads: Literacy Day - An event aimed at fostering a love of reading & scholastic excellence among children. The event provided a special space for children, tweens, teens as well as caregivers to come together and explore their love of reading during the holiday season.
On November 3, 2022, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted, the Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Event: Hope, Love, & Support - an evening of activities, games, and enjoyment to build community with those affected by DV. The event ran from 6 pm to 8 pm, allowing community members, KHCC’s participants, and their families to join in supporting one another and fortifying relationships.
Dreaming with DMC: Youth (Re)Visions for the Future
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 14, 2022Contact: Margaret K
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Awarded $500,000 by NY Community Trust for a New Initiative
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) and Lehman College, along with seven other settlement houses, welcome the “Future of Social Work: The Settlement House Network and Multilingual Communities” initiative. The New York Community Trust awarded the program $500,000 over two years to engage a team of multilingual MSW level interns in expanding the range of new or unique mental health supports offered to participants in their home language within our collection of United Neighborhood House (UNH) member agencies.
Summer Bridge 2022
Summer Bridge is a summer internship for high school students and rising college freshmen where they gain the necessary tools to succeed in their professional endeavors.
KHCC Success Stories
Learn more about Emmanuel Wilson and Fatoumata Sanyang "Obba."
On June 17, 2022, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting an event; the 9th Annual Neighborhood Fest - an evening of activities, games, and fun. The event, scheduled for 3 pm to 6 pm provides an opportunity for everyone in the neighborhood to come together and have a good time.
Summer Bridge with the KHCC Teen Center
KHCC is currently rolling out our application for the KHCC Teen Center's 2022 Summer Bridge Internship program. This 6 week leadership and job readiness experience is aimed at current high school students.
On October 2, 2021, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting an event; Together We Are New York - Art Lives, a community-based celebration of artistic works
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and The Aesthetic Host a Back to School Giveaway
For Immediate Release September 20,2020CONTACT: Diamond Brown Kingsbri
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Hosts Virtual Garden Tour On September 15, 2020
On September 15, 2020, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting its first online fundraiser: a Virtual Garden Tour.
Invest in Human Services, Not Over-policing Our Communities
171 organizations signed on to let City Council know investment in human services is better than over-policing.
KHCC Remembers Bernice Stern, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
KHCC Remembers Bernice Stern, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist My memory of Bernice Stern is whe
Press Release: Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Hosts She Builds 2019
The event, in partnership with Rebuilding Together, involved more than 100 volunteers from across NYC.